Housing Targets Orders

    In 2023, Oak Bay was one of the first ten BC communities selected to receive housing target orders under the provincial Housing Supply Act. Oak Bay received its Housing Target Order from the Province in September, 2023 requiring 664 new housing units to be constructed (to occupancy) by September 30, 2028.

    The District informed the Province at the time that the target was not achievable and requested additional information, changes, and support. At the end of Year 1, Oak Bay reported completion of 16 net new housing units - this was a significant increase from historic levels of approximately 2 net new units per year for the period 2019-2022. In response, the Province sent the District a letter advising that the Year 1 target had not been met, nor had the District made satisfactory progress towards the Year 1 targets. The letter further advised that the Province was considering appointing an Advisor for Oak Bay.

    On January 30, 2025, Minister Ravi Kahlon notified the District in writing that he had appointed a housing advisor to work with Oak Bay beginning January 30, 2025 to March 28, 2025.

    According to the Minister's letter, the Advisor will conduct the following as well as any other analysis deemed necessary to prepare recommendations in a final report to the Province:

    • Review the District’s zoning bylaw for alignment with SSMUH provincial policy guidance (including site standards), identifying local conditions, and other factors that may deter development
    • Review Council decisions regarding housing projects that have been turned down to assess validity of rationale, including the innovative approach for the Carnarvon Park Master Plan and rejected option with 40 units of rental housing
    • Recommendations to include approval processes for housing located within/adjacent to parkland, projects on municipal lands, and opportunities for partnerships with BC Housing to address the shortage of supportive housing in the community
    • Assess proposed Development Cost Charge and Amenity Cost Charge bylaws to determine if they are an impediment to new development, identifying in-stream applications that may be impacted and associated fees that may be incurred
    • Assess whether appropriate municipal actions have been taken to support housing initiatives for the Capital Regional District regional growth strategy, including the effectiveness of secondary suite and infill housing programs
    • Confirm the number of units in-stream and not reported at a development approval stage during the reporting period, including file status and processing times

    Correspondence with the Province

    Statements and News Releases

    Housing Target Progress Reports

    Housing Action Program

    The District’s Housing Action Program (HAP) combines Council Priority Projects (CPP) related to housing and while also responding to the Provincial housing initiatives, which have become the District’s top priorities. Collectively the CPP listed below form the District’s Housing Action Program.

    • CPP #72 Update Zoning Bylaw for Small Scale Multi Unit Housing (SSMUH)
    • CPP #73 Update the OCP for Small Scale Multi Unit Housing Program (to be addressed through CPP #76 below)
    • CPP #74 Interim Housing Needs Report
    • CPP #77 Prepare Tracking Program
    • CPP #75 Complete Mandated Five-Year Review of OCP
    • CPP #76 Complete Mandated Pre-Zoning to implement updated OCP
    • CPP #78 Optimize Development Processes
    • CPP #79 Responding to Increased Development Interest
    • CPP #80 Prepare Amenity Cost Charge Bylaw and Development Cost Charge Bylaw
    • CPP #81 Reservation for yet-to-come housing projects mandated by the Province

    The Housing Action Program aims to increase housing supply, create more diverse housing choice and over time contribute to more affordable housing. This project will result in the development of a new regulatory land use framework with a focus on housing policy and associated bylaw changes required to meet Provincial legislation changes. This includes but is not limited to population and housing projections over a 20 year horizon, a more robust and updated housing needs report, and implementation and monitoring framework. Technical analysis and assessments will be undertaken to ensure infrastructure including servicing and community amenities aligns with planned growth and change in the community.

    The HAP will take from 2024 to the end of 2028.

    Click the follow button in the header to receive project updates or check back for more details.



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