The District of Oak Bay’s 2024 capital plan includes the design and construction of the Henderson Road and Haultain-Estevan Cycling Facilities as outlined in the Oak Bay Active Transportation Strategy (ATS). These projects will improve safety and make it easier for residents and visitors to travel to, through and from the District.
Henderson Road Cycling Facility
Provides a cycling route connecting Oak Bay Avenue, Oak Bay High School, local churches, Oak Bay Recreation Center, and Carnarvon Park. Additionally, the cycling facility improves access to the University of Victoria through connection to Henderson .
View the board in a larger format here
Haultain-Estevan Ave. Cycling Facility
Provides a cycling route connecting Willows Beach, Estevan Village, and Cadboro Bay Road’s commercial district. The cycling facility also provides access to Haultain Street’s existing cycling infrastructure located within the District of Saanich.
View the board in a larger format here
The key challenges with the existing routes include no formalized cycling pathways, intersection safety, connectivity to regional bikeways, addressing safe crossings and vehicle speeds.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
As part of our commitment to hearing from the community, the District sought feedback on draft designs for the Henderson Road and Haultain-Estevan Cycling Facility Projects.
The District ran a survey from August 15 - September 12. Paper copies of the survey were available at Municipal Hall, Oak Bay Recreation Centre and Monterey Recreation Centre. Information boards were posted throughout the community at the following locations:
| Outdoor:
Ask a question: Submit your question to
How your input will be used?
The input received will be used to finalize the designs based on the options presented for the Henderson Road and Haultain-Estevan Cycling Facilities. As part of our commitment to you, we will report back what we heard and how this feedback was incorporated into the final design. The report is expected in winter 2024.
Public engagement will be conducted at the ‘Inform’ and ‘Consult’ levels from the Spectrum of Engagement from the District’s Public Engagement Framework in line with IAP2’s Engagement Spectrum. Learn more about the District’s Public Engagement Framework and the IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement.