
In response to resident concerns, Council directed updates to the District’s blasting regulations in 2020. Currently, Building and Plumbing Bylaw No. 4247 contains blasting permit requirements.

Residents’ concerns have been documented and reviewed as the first part of this bylaw review and update. Following direction from Council in June of 2023, further research and consultation with residents, blasters, and contractors was conducted. Council received an update report on March 18, 2024, summarizing five key themes: policy alignment, noise, property, safety, and communication. At that meeting, Council asked for additional opportunity for public input.

Currently, proposed changes include introducing regulations for rock breaking and blasting, limits on the amounts and timing of rock removal, increased communication and neighbour notification and a change in the permit fee structure.

Welcome to the project page for the Blasting Bylaw Update. This page provides information, resources, and updates about the project.

Where we are today

Nov. 2024 - Thank you for your interest in the Blasting Regulations review. The consultation on blasting closed October 28 and staff are finalizing answers to the last series of questions submitted.

The next step is to summarize comments received and prepare a report for Council with a public input summary and any changes to the proposed blasting regulation update. The tentative timing for this report is early 2025, subject to staff and consultant availability. Further updates will be posted here.


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