
Sylvia Holland (1900-1974) of Day & Holland, Victoria

5 March 2024

For International Women's Day, a footnote about Sylvia Grace Holland, nee Moberly, and her professional collaboration in 1930s Victoria with established architect Harry Daborn Day. The Oak Bay connection is via one Oak Bay house design for 640 St Patrick (1935).

This isn't a brand new "discovery", because it's clear from the plans at UVic, but it doesn't seem to have been written up anywhere.

The Days and the Hollands were near neighbours on Blenkinsop Road, (Tattersall from 1927) - in those days there was only one house between them (see e.g. 1927 directory)

1928 Frank dies on 28 December

1932 Sylvia and children move to Holland family farm in Metchosin

1935 640 St Patrick in Oak Bay (built by AM Willis but known for its first resident owners, Ralph and Lorna Collison).

In the 1935 city directory, both Day and Holland are listed as "Day & Holland, architects". Not in 1934

The directories don't give a business address for the partnership, but the Tysoe house plan at UVic provides "518 Central Building, Victoria BC", i.e. 620 View St, built 1911-12.

More about Sylvia Holland and HD Day: