
PR 132/02 Kootenays photo album

20 October 2023

PR 132 01 Photo album – description

1 6x8 black card photograph album, shoelace-bound. 17ff. containing b/w photo prints and 1 loose b/w postcard. Contents 1930s. OBA Accession 2010/5.

Images online HERE

Description of contents:

p.1 (inside cover): “The trip to the East Kootenay June 15th to 23rd 1935. Swede & me.”

Enclosed, 1 loose b/w photo postcard “The Peace Arch at Blaine, Wa.” Made in Vancouver. Black on reverse, not used.

2A “On left Spokane River in Spokane June 16th/35” Railway bridge over a river with steep cliff-like banks, town behind bridge on opposite bank.

2B Blurred landscape with mountains in background. “On Right Just after leaving Spokane June 16/35”

3A Single conical tipi, door closed. ?indistinct markings/image on tent side. “Tepee near Cranbrook taken at 8.30pm on June 21. Note details espec. mt. lilies.” 8.30pm would be in broad daylight on the summer solstice.

4 “Mountain lily picked here June 21/35”. Partial remnants of a dried flower are taped to the page.

5A Cranbrook streetscape showing a First Nations woman and child about to cross the street. “[Terms redacted, referring to a First Nations woman and child]. Cranbrook June 17th/35”

5B Cranbrook streetscape showing two First Nations women standing beside a parked car. “[Terms redacted, referring to First Nations women], Cranbrook June 20/35”

6A “Concentrator (Chapmans camp) Kimberly June 17th/35” – Chapman Camp, Sullivan Mine company town at Kimberley BC. The Sullivan Mine was a major producer of lead, zinc and silver, operating 1909-2001.

6B “Same as above (continuation)” i.e. Concentrator (Chapmans camp) Kimberly June 17th/35

7A “Interior of Concentrator June 17th/35”

7B “Before Driving to the Ranch. The Jones Family ___ing me out, Berta Frank, Myrtle, Mr & Mrs Jones June 17th 1935”

8A “Ranch and Mountains June 19th/35”

8B “Ranch Buildings June 19th/35”

9A A young man seated on a pale coloured horse, frame house and fence in background. “Swede up on Freckles June 18/35”

9B The same young man as in 9A (“Swede”) riding the pale-coloured horse, log cabin in background.

10A The same young man as in 9A (“Swede”) riding the pale-coloured horse over an improvised low jump.

10B A pale-coloured horse hitched up to an open wagon, a dog and 3 men wearing hats sitting on and standing by the wagon. Frame house and large trees in background. Caption “pretty sad. June 20th/35”

11A Road winding over hilly country mostly cleared of trees “Typical Cranbrook country Ranch mts should show in background. Mrs Jones in foreground near Whycliffe. June 20th/35”. Wycliffe BC is a small town between Cranbrook and Kimberley on the Kimberley Highway.

11B “Creston June 21/35” – taken from a hill overlooking the town of Creston, BC, view toward mountains.

12A “Kootenay Lake from ferry June 21/35”

12B Paddle Wheel of S.S. Nasookin, Ferry from Gray Creek to Balfour” More about the Nasookin

pp. 13-14 are blank, unused.

15A “Trail 6 o’clock a.m. from roof of Crown Point Hotel.” 1399 Bay Ave., Trail BC. Looking NW along the Columbia River toward the Cominco lead-zinc smelter on the hill.

15B “Christina Lake district from hill June 22/35”

16A “Near Bridesville but the bus Jumped June 22/35” Bridesville BC is a small town on the Crowsnest Highway between Osoyoos and Rock Creek.

17A “Osoyoos Lake from hill.”

17B “continuation of above June 22/35” i.e. Osoyoos Lake from hill.

18A “Desert country on way to Wenatchee June 22/35”. Wenatchee is a city in central Washington, on the Columbia River between Seattle and Spokane.

18B “Blewit Pass alt 4071’ Bus in foreground” i.e. Blewett Pass, the section of the Sunset Highway between Cle Elum and Wenatchee, Washington State.

19A “Seattle from Tower in Volunteer Park June 23/35” Water Tower – Volunteer Park designed by the same Olmsted who designed Oak Bay’s Uplands subdivision.

19B “Art Gallery Volunteer Park June 23/35” [Seattle], original Seattle Art Museum building, built 1933, designed by Carl F. Gould, now the Seattle Asian Art Museum.

20A “U of Washington bldg” Education Hall (built 1922), later Miller Hall, University of Washington.

20B “Fort Lawton” former United States Army post in the Magnolia neighbourhood of Seattle, Washington overlooking Puget Sound, now Discovery Park.

21A “Locks at Seattle joining Lake Washington and the sea”

21B “spillway at locks Seattle” Ballard Locks

22A “Everet” [sic, i.e. Everett, Washington] Old Snohomish County Courthouse

23A No caption. Man and young woman, both wearing trousers and hats, standing in sunshine outside the porch of a shingled lean-to. ND, prob 1930s.

24A No caption. Same man and young woman, with hats off, standing in front of log cabin, same house as 23A slightly different angle. ND, prob 1930s.

24B No caption. Same house as in 23 and 24 but in winter, wider angle from other side of fence showing surrounding trees, laundry hanging out to dry, roofed gateway surmounted by a rack of antlers, side of whole small house and leanto as seen in 23 and 24. Snow cover but not deep.

25A Young girl, woman and man in swimming costumes standing on a plank over millpond/lake, infront of 2 wooden water wheels, one larger than the other.

25B Same woman as in 25A, in swimming costume, seated on a home made/improvised flat-bottomoed boat on a pond/lake, using a two-ended paddle (backwards). Behind her part of the lake shore is fenced to form an enclosure that includes access to the water’s edge, presumably for stock.

26A Loaded haywagon pulled by two horses; 2 men with tools on top of hay, one standing in front of wagon. High mountains in background. No caption.

26B View from high on a mountainside down to a valley and lake, typical Okanagan/Kootenay view, not identified, compare e.g. Osoyoos from Anarchist Mountain.

35A on reverse: “Taken from bridge on Ranch sometime around 1922 or so. Mr Jones and Mr Garbutt standing water. DB, BJ and FJ.”