
Oak Bay Avenue Then... and Then... - Municipal Hall foyer display May 2022

9 May 2022

This display marks the beginning of an Archives project to trace and make available the history of buildings, businesses and residents on Oak Bay Avenue, starting with the 'Village core' from Clive Drive/Oliver Street to Wilmot Place.

It also ties in with the @explorearchives theme on Twitter for May: #EYANowandThen. We are adapting this to 'Oak Bay Avenue Then... and Then' to reflect the many changes on the Avenue since it was first laid out

Many thanks to:

Stephanie Jenkins of for inspiration and ideas about structuring the online presentation of this information - see for instance the history of Oxford's High Street, click here

Gary Wilcox of the Oak Bay Encyclopedia for an enormous collection of information about Oak Bay places, which includes entries for streets and for some individual address files (see e.g. the address profile for 2013 Oak Bay Ave) though not the type of house-to-house street history we are planning for the Avenue core.