Mayors/Reeves and Councillors of Oak Bay
31 May 2024
Sorted by name then year:
Names |
Year |
Position |
Angus, R |
1929-1948 |
Councillor |
Anscombe, H |
1924 (part) |
Councillor |
Anscombe, H |
1925-27 |
Reeve |
Appleton, Andrew |
2019-24 |
Councillor |
Ashe, Thomas |
1925-29 |
Councillor |
Barber-Starkey, FWG |
1929-30 |
Councillor |
Birley, SP |
1953-56, 58 |
Councillor |
Braithwaite, Hazel |
2006-11, 2015-24 |
Councillor |
Brice, Susan M |
1980-85 |
Councillor |
Brice, Susan M |
1986-90 |
Mayor |
Brown, James |
1912-17 |
Councillor |
Bunn, Peter G |
1978-96 |
Councillor |
Burdick, NT |
1913-17 |
Councillor |
Burdick, NT |
1918 (part) |
Reeve |
Butler, Diana M |
1986-90 |
Councillor |
Butler, Diana M |
1991-96 |
Mayor |
Caine, Bert D |
1987-93 |
Councillor |
Carson, Frank B |
1994-99, 2003-08 |
Councillor |
Carter, Dr HR |
1965-66 |
Councillor |
Cassidy, Allan R |
1997-2011 |
Councillor |
Causton, Christopher M |
1987-1996 |
Councillor |
Causton, Christopher M |
1997-2011 |
Mayor |
Clayton, Dr Charles J |
1981-82, 1986 |
Councillor |
Colbert, JL |
1909 |
Councillor |
Collins, Faith B |
1991-93 |
Councillor |
Copley, P |
2006-14 |
Councillor |
Cox, AL |
1959-63 |
Councillor |
Cox, Allan Leslie (1927-1996) |
1964-67 |
Reeve |
Craig, M Isabel |
1975-85 |
Councillor |
Crease, AD |
1915, 1922-23, 1926-33 |
Councillor |
Croft, Tom |
2015-18 |
Councillor |
Davis, HJ |
1920-22 |
Councillor |
Dodsworth, WC |
1962-69 |
Councillor |
Dowell, Shirley R |
1971-80 |
Councillor |
Drake, SJ |
1919 |
Councillor |
Drake, SJ |
1920-22 |
Reeve |
Eamer-Goult, John BG |
1971-78 |
Councillor |
Edwards, HLN |
1924 (part)-25 |
Councillor |
Elford, Frances H |
1964-69 |
Councillor |
Elford, Frances Henrietta (1914-2002) |
1970-73 |
Mayor |
Elliott, AW |
1913-15 |
Councillor |
Elliott, WW |
1924 (part) |
Councillor |
Ellis, W |
1933-40 |
Councillor |
Ellis, WG |
1947-48, 1953, 1957-59 |
Councillor |
Elworthy, GB |
1959-61 |
Councillor |
Fernie , William |
1907-08 |
Councillor |
Flanagan, J Edward N |
1983-90 |
Councillor |
Gibbs, PA |
1936-42, 1948-49 |
Councillor |
Gibbs, Philip Archibald, later MLA (1893-1960) |
1950-53 |
Reeve |
Goodlake, TJ |
1923, 1928-35 |
Councillor |
Gordon, MP |
1914-15 |
Councillor |
Gordon, MP |
1916-17 |
Reeve |
Graham, H |
1974 |
Councillor |
Green, Cairine |
2012-14, 2019-24 |
Councillor |
Gregory, GFT |
1953-54 |
Councillor |
Grogan, Leo |
1940-41 |
Councillor |
Hargreaves, JH |
1910-11 |
Councillor |
Hawes, FW |
1954-62, 1965-67 |
Councillor |
Hawes, Frederick William |
1968-69 |
Reeve/Mayor |
Haynes, AE |
1906, 1923-1924 (part) |
Councillor |
Hayward, EC |
1922-23, 1925-27 |
Councillor |
Hayward, EC |
1928-32 |
Reeve |
Henderson , William E (1837-1931) |
1906-08 |
Councillor |
Henderson , William E (1837-1931) |
1909-11 |
Reeve |
Hendry, Alexander |
1963-64, 1968-70 |
Councillor |
Herbert, JD. |
2000-14 |
Councillor |
Hewlett, HF |
1921-22 |
Councillor |
Hewlett, HF |
1923-24 |
Reeve |
Hillis, PD |
1911 |
Councillor |
Hoey, Dr AJ |
1970-71 |
Councillor |
Holms, W Gordon |
1980-86 |
Councillor |
Horne, Ian M |
1968-70 |
Councillor |
Irvine, Charlotte (Sherry) P |
1991-96 |
Councillor |
Irvine, RJ |
2000-2005 (left end of Jan) |
Councillor |
Jameson, WA |
1916-18 |
Councillor |
Jensen, Nils B |
1997-2011 |
Councillor |
Jensen, Nils B (1949-2019) |
2012-18 |
Mayor |
Johnson, CH |
1924 (part)-1925 |
Councillor |
Johnson, JV |
1934-57 |
Councillor |
Kay, Tom |
1946 |
Councillor |
Kirby, Michelle |
2012-18 |
Councillor |
Lindsay, JA |
1911 |
Councillor |
Lott, HS |
1910, 1912 |
Councillor |
Lovric, PP |
1964 |
Councillor |
Macey-Brown, C |
2000-2005 |
Councillor |
MacFarlane, AD |
1919-21 |
Councillor |
Mallett, AE |
1919-21, 1924 (part) |
Councillor |
Maltby, JW |
1954-56 |
Councillor |
Mann, CGH |
1955-58 |
Councillor |
Matthews, RB |
1959 (part) |
Councillor |
Mayhew, RW |
1931-32 |
Councillor |
Mayhew, RW |
1933-35 |
Reeve |
McGregor, JH |
1909-14 |
Councillor |
McKechnie, P |
1918 (part), 1920-21 |
Councillor |
McLelland, DS |
1972-76 |
Councillor |
McNeill, JC |
1918-20 |
Councillor |
Mearns, WH |
1924, 1926-35 |
Councillor |
Moir, PA |
1943-49 |
Councillor |
Money, CFL |
1925-28 |
Councillor |
Moore, HW |
1923 |
Councillor |
Murdoch, George |
1946-58 |
Councillor |
Murdoch, George |
1959-63 |
Reeve |
Murdoch, Kevin |
2012-18 |
Councillor |
Murdoch, Kevin |
2019-24 |
Mayor |
Newton, S.R. |
1907-10 |
Councillor |
Ney, Tara |
2009-2024 |
Councillor |
Nicholson David SH |
1987-90 |
Councillor |
Niven, FC |
1917-19 |
Councillor |
Noble, William |
1906-09, 1911-12 |
Councillor |
Noel, PR |
1960-61 |
Councillor |
Norris, Frederick E |
1950-53 |
Councillor |
Norris, Frederick Elford (1910-2003) |
1954-58 |
Reeve |
Oliver, William Edgar (1867-1920) |
1906-08, 1912, 1914-15 |
Reeve |
Oliver, William Edgar (1867-1920) |
1909, 1911 (part), 1916 |
Councillor |
Pallett, John LR |
1994-99 |
Councillor |
Paterson, Esther |
2019-24 |
Councillor |
Patterson, H |
1922, 1928-32 |
Councillor |
Peden, Alex |
1942-45 |
Councillor |
Pemberton, FB |
1906, 1909-13 |
Councillor |
Pimlott, NA |
1970-77, 1979 |
Councillor |
Rattenbury , Francis Mawson (1867-1935) |
1906-08 |
Councillor |
Rattenbury , Francis Mawson (1867-1935) |
1913 |
Reeve |
Reid, D |
1922-23 |
Councillor |
Robinson, FA |
1949-52, 1957-64 |
Councillor |
Ruttan, JG |
1950-52 |
Councillor |
Scott, Cheryle A |
1994-2002 |
Councillor |
Shallcross, JJ |
1918-21 |
Councillor |
Smart, JE |
1912 |
Councillor |
Smith, Brian RD |
1970-73 |
Councillor |
Smith, Brian RD |
1974-79 |
Mayor |
Sproule, JC |
1910 |
Councillor |
Streatfield KR |
1924 |
Councillor |
Sutherland , John |
1906-08 |
Councillor |
Swainson, Dr Neil A |
1977-86, 1991-93 |
Councillor |
Taylor, RR |
1933-35 |
Councillor |
Taylor, RR |
1936-40 |
Reeve |
Taylor, WFC |
1924 |
Councillor |
Toms, LW |
1913-18 |
Councillor |
Turley, Frank |
1941-44 |
Councillor |
Vernon-Jackson, P |
1936-40 |
Councillor |
Wade, WJJ |
1962-67 |
Councillor |
Walker, WM |
1941-45 |
Councillor |
Walker, WM |
1946-47 |
Reeve |
Wallace, Dr G Scott |
1968-69 |
Councillor |
Warrington, Fiona I |
1997-99 |
Councillor |
Watson, Lesley |
2023-24 |
Councillor |
Watts, J Douglas |
1959 (part), 1960-63, 1965-85 |
Councillor |
Whittaker, LH |
1967 |
Councillor |
Wilson, Charles E |
1916-18 |
Councillor |
Wilson, Charles E |
1918 (part)-1919 |
Reeve |
Wilson, HL |
1925-27 |
Councillor |
Wilson, RB |
1949-52 |
Councillor |
Woodhouse, WL |
1936-39 |
Councillor |
Woodhouse, WL |
1941-45 |
Reeve |
Wootton, RAB |
1945-46, 48-49 |
Councillor |
Zhelka, Eric |
2015-22 |
Councillor |