
June in the Archives

14 July 2023

It’s been an eventful month!

New display: Marion Cumming’s local history books are on the reference library shelves, her cuttings collections for the reference files are listed, and a sample is on display in the foyer at MH.

News: The Archives are open to researchers in person by appointment 9.30-4 Tuesdays and Fridays. There have been a lot of meetings and lots of work on finalizing the volunteer program documentation, but to my great relief, archives volunteers will be starting back on site next week. I only received 7 enquiries in June (good weather maybe?) but the year’s total is 88 so far, on par with last year’s pace.

Volunteers will return and drop-in hours will start on Tuesday 18 July. Tuesdays 10-1 will be a regular drop-in time - no appointment needed for that period, but because our space is smaller these days, with 2 volunteers and the archivist there, we will reach our working capacity of 4 pretty quickly, so appointments are not a bad idea! We are planning to have another drop-in session on Fridays, pending further volunteer availability.

How do I access the archives? The most direct (and step-free) route is via the east side entrance (Fairway side) on the ground floor of Municipal Hall; ring the buzzer marked Archives. If you are already in the main foyer upstairs during Archives drop-in hours, ask reception staff to call the Archives, and the archivist or a volunteer will meet you at the bottom of the internal stairs from the foyer.

The archives space in Municipal Hall hasn't moved, but it has changed shape and size since the MH renovations in 2021 - here's a photo tour of the revised space.

Questions or appointment requests? Please get in touch!


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Phone: 250-598-3290

- Post by Anna Sander, 14 July 2023.

To cite: Sander, Anna. (2023, July). 'June in the Archives.' [Blog post]. District of Oak Bay, Archives. Retrieved from [date accessed].