
July in the Archives

8 August 2023

page from Mary Burgess' 1907 diary, online here

8 August 2023

The Archives opened to researchers in person by appointment 9.30-4 Tuesdays and Fridays on 26 June, so were open to the public for all of July; 2 volunteers returned to regular on-site working, and Tuesday 10-1 drop-in hours started, on 18 July.

On-site volunteer hours logged: 12, the first since March 2020

Volunteer projects:

1) continuing an ongoing project to index Oak Bay's historic building permits

2) catching up on another ongoing project, indexing the contents of demolished-property files transferred from the Building & Planning department.

Enquiries: 11, 1 in person. 2023 running total: 96

Digital images created: 170, 100% online.

New community transcription project: a 353-page diary written by Mrs Mary Burgess of Bentinck Ontario in 1907-1908, during part of the time she and her husband spent in Central/North Saanich helping their daughter and her husband establish their farm and care for their then 2 small children. More contextual information to come, more about the transcription project here. All are welcome to participate!

Questions or appointment requests? Please get in touch!


Photo Search:

Blog posts:


Phone: 250-598-3290

- Post by Anna Sander, 8 August 2023.

To cite: Sander, Anna. (2023, August). 'July in the Archives.' [Blog post]. District of Oak Bay, Archives. Retrieved from [date accessed].